My University


Journey >.>

Personal Statement

A section of my life, called the 9th grade, is a time I like to remember. Thinking about how my true journey began, encourages me to keep on pace and puts a smile on my face. It reminds me of how my fundamental philosophies shaped, how the student and teacher connections shaped my ideas as well as what it means to cross the boundaries with the power, driven by curiosity and confidence. It is a part of the journey that makes me proud to share.

The beginning of high school, something that was told to me to be hard, somewhat fun because of present-thinking friends but more stressful than enjoyable. Well, it turned out that this would hold true for most of the students I encountered but not for me. When I first walked through the gate of my first high school, I took it as an opportunity to overcome fears and problems. The road of my new journey laying ahead should be crystal clear without any stones, I would cast myself in my way. Even though I was insecure on the inside, I boldly kept on going, driven by the curiosity of finding out what would happen if I realize my dreams. Not only have I been always a helpful person in the background, this time I wanted to expand and impact by influencing people. I confided in my former guidance teacher. We discussed my ideas and together with the help of my former counselor I decided to start my own project “SAF”. The project quickly became a way to spread my ideas of encouraging students to discover their own curiosity. While it first began with a lot of documentation and surveys conducted on students, it rapidly grew, putting it into a spot, where I am more than proud to show it off. By holding seminars in national schools, I directly connected to the source of the future, that I recognize to be the students of today. Seeing the undiscovered joy and curiosity in their eyes, awakened a mysterious spark in me. On one hand, I conducted seminars and private lessons – without any costs for students to make it accessible to everyone – to connect with the source; on the other hand, I had an inspiring environment at my school, being the key to becoming maybe one of the first examples here. In close connection with the school’s counselor, we were about to create an environment, raising young, creative, and inspiring minds. Even if the journey took as far away from known applied concepts at this time, it was the launch of an innovative model. Access to creative exchange by having a variety of opinions tumbling around, courage for students to push them further, and focusing on their talents, driven by the undiscovered curiosity in them.

It was an honored gift for me, to get such trust, being in the position of a leading student, and getting involved in shaping our future. I settled on my road, knowing that I have the courage and power to create change. My goal is to keep on going, lifting the curtains of prejudices and chasing curiosity hand in hand with the future. If science is evolving at a rapid speed and education is stuck at the same place for tens of years, why not fuse them together to give education a new spirit. My mission is driven by my passion, and I am going to evolve to take part in achieving my goals and shaping our future.

I have always held to the hope that there is a better world beyond my horizon.

Scientia Ad Futurum - Project Presentation

Nowadays education system cuffs the freedom of the individual’s creativity. Students accommodate knowledge in academic fields, whereas intuitive creativity decreases whilst progressing on the school’s schedule. Being exposed to this fundamental problem while being aware of it, made me think about it in more detail. Instead of letting the problem shape my thoughts as it does with the majority of students, I stood up to swim against the stream. I was curious about why I had the courage to reject the traditional way and what would happen if I pass it on to others. This is where the idea of actively spreading my thoughts and investigating the connection between science and education began.

At the beginning of my journey, I was a foreigner in every aspect. I was young and inexperienced but curious enough to discover the path that would soon become a life-changing passion of mine. The fusion of different cultures creates interesting mixtures of unique concepts. Throughout this process, I learned to open up my mind for changes and refine the existing with a continuous flow of innovative ideas. While the world around me was on a continuous run, I felt like I was stuck in school and wanted to become conscious of my dreams. Advocating for change is, overall, a challenging task and it becomes even more challenging if one does this in a foreign environment. I knew I had to adapt in the first place to make myself familiar with my working space. Due to the fact that I was already sufficient in two languages and keen on mathematics, I used this to my advantage to connect to my peers. Even if one is generally disinterested in almost everything, thanks to human nature, just a tiny bit of curiosity is enough to start at least one conversation. Along with this, thanks to some lucky coincidences, I was able to slowly start teaching to my classmates. I quickly understood that teaching is one of the best ways to interact with someone and really understand their mindset. Although the tool I used, teaching, never changed, I sometimes adjusted my direction about what subject I teach. As of today, I got the idea of teaching as being independent of the topic in a first way. Later on, when I discovered the fascinating world of science, I found an equal partner that could get on well with education. At this time, I started to get aware of the things that, in my opinion, could be improved in the education system and as I matured more and more, I found the courage to advocate for a change. It was back then when I founded my project named ‘’Scientia Ad Futurum’’ to combine the existing with innovative ideas to create a leading example at the current stage. Not only should it act on the educational path of students, but also encourage curiosity with the help of science. It is meant to advocate for change and offer space for innovative concepts such as mine. At its current time, it makes efforts to research and test out new ideas as well as impact nationally. The future looks bright and the project is made flexible to keep pace with a constantly evolving nature.

My vision is not limited to changing perceptions but also carrying along my fellow students to create space for a dynamic, innovative, and passion-based environment. I was able to have an impact on my kith and kin and I am confident about my future. I am aware of the fact that my ideas are still developing and that I may drifted far away from known concepts. My wish is to improve myself and my thoughts to discover their realistic power with the help of Harvard’s visionary surroundings. I am dedicated to raising up a new chapter in the way our society is thinking and ready to take the challenge.

IDENTITY (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Describe the world you come from. How has that world shaped your dreams and aspirations?

Thanks to the endless efforts of my parents, I was raised up in a well-protected and welcoming environment. I spend my childhood in a critical thinking, open-minded and respectful household that taught me the essential basics of life. My family and elementary school teachers laid down the fundamentals for my today's thinking. I made my way hand over hand along with the experiences of my parents until we moved abroad and I started to develop independently. I quickly realized that I received a precious gift from my parents and that their supportive attitude helped me to succeed in standing on my own feet. I gave my best to preserve this creative way of expression and ideas, and withstand all outside forces.

FIELD OF STUDY (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Tell us about why this field of study appeals to you.

Science, especially physics, evolved into a life passion over the course of time and a loyal companion on my road to self-development. I wanted to pass on this joy of science to the next generation and show them what life is about. Today's mankind is more likely to jump into a hole knowing that a dragon awaits them there than instead choosing the hole while not knowing what they will face. Physics gave me an opportunity to chase the unknown and I knew that I had to take the first step.


What historical moment or event do you wish you could have witnessed?

The European Renaissance, witnessing the paradigm shift which changed humanity. Not only because it showed that critical thinking and courage can usher in a new era, but also because it perfectly demonstrated that innovative perspectives can vanish the limits of the individual to unleash new powers.


What is the most significant challenge that society faces today?

Based on my own experience, a continuous process that systematically takes away the courage, crushes the dreams, and deprives the creativity of our future, the students. Nowadays youth faces a decrease in perseverance because of the lack of support for innovative ideas.


What inspires you?

Reaching a deeper understanding and witnessing happiness from those who I was able to help.


You are teaching a Yale course. What is it called?

Pristine Curiosity - A throwback to bold courage


What person, past or present, would you invite to speak and what would you ask them?

Leonardo da Vinci, the Italian polymath who took part in initiating a paradigm shift. I would use this chance to get a deeper understanding of humanity and actively shaping society.

SHORT ESSAYS (Yale, Stanford & Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Reflect on an idea or experience that makes you genuinely excited about learning.

The fusion of physics and education. Something that is somehow present in today's world, but still neglected unconsciously. There have been masterminds cracking their heads about this topic and education in general is like a torrential river, but nevertheless my personality requires me to at least try the challenge.

The endless love between me and my physics lessons was more than the bare attraction of gravity between two masses. It involved magical sparks, I created, to enlighten the curiosity of the ones I wanted to reveal something, the students. I tried to pass on the passion that pushed me farther over the horizon and let them have their own slice of this astonishing feeling. The laws of physics even applied to my lessons, so that I almost always lost track of time and stayed at school for hours, just for the sake of sharing a new vision. I remember those days when I chased the students in school to teach the concept of velocity and Newton's Law. This was my own way to flavor physics lessons and make them accessible to every student.

SHORT ESSAYS (Yale, Stanford & Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Tell us about something that is meaningful to you.

The future, the youth. Being able to inspire people is of great satisfaction and a powerful tool to advocate for change. I'm inclined to assist and it became a passion for me to take things into my own hands so that I can shape the future. Starting in the 8th grade, I developed my skills in teaching and soon found a way to convey and inspire people with my ideas. I was unceasingly working against a decrease of courage and creativity in students, but I knew that my will to stand up for them could impact their personal paths. I must admit that the vision I choose felt to be exhausting and that it was treated to be bold from the outside but in life, there is nothing of greater pleasure than witnessing the joy of people. As I walked along this path, I reached a deeper understanding of so many things around me that opened doors to new perspectives for me. I started to receive emotions, one of the most valuable gifts that humanity has, and had to power to open up new perspectives for my peers. At this point, I realized that my vision coincided with reality and that this deep understanding was responsible for pushing me to my current self, a self that I am more than proud to show off.

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